What is deep vein thrombosis?
Who is at risk?
What are the symptoms?
What tests may be performed?
What can happen if deep vein thrombosis is not treated?
Other sources for information
Health Care Providers (HCPs)
Addressing the Patient with Suspected DVT
Flow Chart
Risk Stratification (Wells Score)
Anticoagulant Prescription Details
Prior Authorization References
Strategies for Reducing DOAC Medication Costs
Outpatient DVT Follow-Up Protocol
Patient Handout for Anticoagulant Use
Health Care Providers (HCPs)
Flow Chart
Go to the related links for additional information.
Related Links
DVT Risk Stratification (Wells Score)
Anticoagulant Prescription Details
References for Common Prior Authorization Questions
Patient Handout for Anticoagulant Use
Strategies for Reducing DOAC Medication Costs
Outpatient DVT Follow-Up Protocol
Addressing the Patient with Suspected DVT
DVT Risk Stratification (Wells Score)